Thursday, 28 November 2013

Project 1-Special effect practice video link

Project 1-Story boards

Project 1-Team Production Meeting - special effect practice

Today we had a team production meeting and decided that our group was ready to begin filming our special effects as a practice. Firstly we decided to film the 'walking into a wall effect' by doing this we had to go to C block corridor and film Edwyn walking through a corridor, turning towards a wall and having some sort of contact with the wall (Walking into the wall) 

After filming this we sat in class and started trying to work on the footage of Edwyn. This proved difficult because when filming there was other people in the corridor walking so it was hard to cut the clip of Edwyn walking away so that we could film the blank wall. In resolution to this we filmed edwyn outside where there was no distractions for editing. Edwyn would walk up to the wall, walk into it, stay there for approximately 3 seconds and then exit the shot. We tried pausing the camera and then have him off screen but this disrupted the shot as the camera very slightly moved so this would be hard to edit. We then took the finished sequence, put it into after effects and started to edit. 

This was successful but next time we use this effect i think it would look more realistic and effective if we had the boy jumping onto the wall. This would also improve the look by making the effect more abnormal and interesting. Editing the piece was not essentially difficult but could be made perfect rather than a rough try of successfully accomplishing the effect. 

I used key frames to make the opacity of the boy lower as if ghost like and i also used the pen tool to mask out Edwyn to then make him disappear. The costume isn't a big deal because the character 'Felix' that we are trying to portray is a casual boy that can wear anything seeing as the setting is within college grounds.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Project 1-Special effect practice

To achieve making a 'walking through wall' special effect:

Firstly we filmed Edwyn walking up to a wall and making as much contact as possible to the wall (walking into the wall) he then stayed there for roughly two seconds and walked off camera. Walking off camera is better because pressing pause to film the empty wall will slightly jolt the camera out of position meaning that when it comes to putting it into special effects it will then make it a lot harder to mask ect. I then imported the video into After Effects and cut the part of Edwyn walking off camera so that i then had a video of him walking to the wall and then cut straight to an empty wall. After this i created a still image of the empty wall and put it as a bottom layer throughout the whole film. I then created a key frame around Edwyn and just before he reached the wall to give the effect of him disappearing. Lastly i went on the mask effects and lowered the opacity just before he met the wall and lowered it even more when he got to the wall.

Project 1-Location Table

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Project 1-Visual Effects Research

Each shot that contains a visual effect within our shot list does not show clearly which visual effect we should use and where it should be used but i have some brief ideas of where the main visual effects could be.

Shot 3-  M angle/ camera focuses on various students

In this shot, Felix is looking around the corridor at students showing their powers in practice. I think that within this shot there should be a few visual effects divided between each other so that its clear that it is a college for mutants.

Visual effects 1-  A girl/boy walking through people/ walls

Visual effects 2- Mutant eyes 
- Misfits

-Harry Potter

Shot 13- 'I turn into inanimate objects' Visual effects 3 - inanimate objects
This visual effect could quickly split off to Felix turning into an inanimate such as a pot or something like that.
This would create humour and show a good quality visual effect to grasp the viewers attention.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Project 1-Team production meeting 2

Within this lesson we decided that we would use Edwyns script to use for the opening to the super hero movie. We had the idea to introduce the 'timers' (characters) from my script into Edwyns story. I personally like the 'timers' purely because of the special effects we could create with reversing time in te characters eyes. In the end we decided to use Edwyns script because we all agreed that adding parts from my script would mess up the story line and complicate the script. In scene one we decided to use Edywns idea for mid shot and following and Caspers idea for when they walk into a room (long shot. From there we used edwyns shot list.

Project 1-Team Production meeting 1

We have been set a task to arrange ourselves into groups of 3 and produce a short, 2 minute long opening to a super hero movie to introduce the characters and use at least 3 special effects within the film. I share a group of two more students: Casper and Edwyn. We call ourselves Gatyears. Within the first meeting to discuss who's script we will use Casper was present but Edwyn was not. We wrote down a series of things which would be included in our opening film. The script assessment included: ENTERTAINMENT-Narrative, Characters, Dialogue. FEASIBILITY- Casting, Time and Location. EFFECTS- Range of VFX, Impressiveness and Achieve-ability. After completing the sheet me and Casper had a discussion on who's script to use A) Caspers- B) Edwyns C) Mine. We did not come to a solid agreement so we will discuss this with Edwyn in the next lesson.

Project 1-The 180 degree rule

The 180 degree rule (Axis of action) is a rule in which a camera man follows by when filming 2 or more people. This is used so that the viewer does not get confused with whats going on throughout the scene. The 180 degree rule can potentially be broken if on purpose to confuse the audience in a scene which is made for confusion. As shown in the picture above, if filming head on at the actors the blonde actor will always be on the left and the brunette on the right, if switched round to the other side the blonde actor is now on the left and the brunette on the right. 

Monday, 18 November 2013

Project 1-Character Bio - Mother

Project 1- Character Bio - Jay

Project 1-Time is in their hands - original script draft

Point break write up

This task was to successfully add audio sound effects to a sequence from point break which included a chase. I personally didn't find this extremely enjoyable purely because throughout each clip there was continuous running throughout and keeping a running patternt throughout the whole sequence was challenging because each time the characters ran adding a different audio sound to where abouts the characters were e.g. inside/outside/running up stairs ect.

 Firstly i watched the clip through and loaded up each sound effect roughly planning out where it would all be. Then after i did this i started to build up each point with running, explosions, splashes ect. This is the part in the sequence which i personally did not enjoy. They have just came round a corner (running) and each person is running at a different speed. To be able to grasp each characters foot sound was very challenging but i believe that eventually the sequence sounded okay but could have been made more realistic and believable.
Here is where i added an explosion which was successful. The problem with this part is you need to make sure that you get the explosion just in the right place to make a realistic scene. This is so vital that this is literally between mili-seconds to be able to get the audio in time with the part in the sequence.  In order to arrange this explosion within the right place, i still needed to have each sound effect layering over each other, as shown in the first picture. I think that this was very effective because the sound of the cars , the street and the running foot steps made a complete , realistic feeling to the piece.

Project 1-Face Warp

Project 1-Time is in their hands - revised draft

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Audio analysis and how the elements co-operate

How Diegetic, Non-diegetic and Voice over co-operate

In the opening clip to X-men 1 it uses a series of diegetic, non-diegetic audio and a Voice over to complete the opening scene. Firstly the clip introduces a conversation between Wolverene and Proffesor X, this introduces the scene well by giving the viewer an idea and expectation of the events within the opening. It also begins with music underneath the dialogue (non-diegetic) this contrasts with the dialogue giving the scene a mood. The music has no vocals within the song so that the viewer can stick to whats going on throughout. When Proffesor X begins to talk to Wolverene it shows a group of boys playing basket ball, Proffesor x pauses in the voice over. He does this so that the viewers can hear one of the boys say 'hey no powers' which narrates the scene clearly because by the atmosphere it is set in, it shows the audience how to them that's normal life. The music also competes with the diegetic audio by playing underneath the diegetic dialogue quietly as if the music itself is contradicting the scene by playing a calm, almost magical sequence. Once the diegetic and non-diegetic audio has narrated the short clips, the voice over returns and begins to narrate the clips again : 'To the public...' which also contradicts the scene thats being set purely because the boy is running across water. This clip has no diegetic sound effects which shows that the activity within the school is being hidden from the rest of the public, it’s shown as if the viewer is looking from a perspective that doesn’t know what the school is capable of and focusing on the voice over more than the scene but also paying attention to the fact that the boy is running on water. The non-diegetic music changes key, it begins to become lower which is more mysterious co-operating with the clip of the idea that it’s unknown. After this, above the voice over flying disks are narrated by a strong diegetic sound effectwhich shows the viewer what to associate the sound with. Each diegetic, non-diegetic and voice over works well together building the scene slowly to eventually 

Project 1-Timeline - X-men audio analysis

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Project 1-Misfits visual effects

Misfits - Visual Effects Analysis

- For the introduction to the series it shows a number of animated pictures to narrate each character. They have done this by filming each character and placing them on an animated back drop to explain each character and their powers. -Opening
- A dark cloud appears in the sky moving towards the characters - 04:36
- A big rock hits a car behind the probation worker - 04:49
- Rocks continue to fall from the sky - 05:02
- Long shot of boulders hitting the area - 05:17
- Lightening strikes and black opacity increases around characters - 06:11
- Slow motion characters falling back - 06:13

- Lightening around each character in darkness - 06:08 - 06:30
- Eye flashes colour - 06:33
- The sun rises and Nathan is sleeping in the youth centre (sun dot) - 13:49
- Simons head jolts quickly from side to side - 17:41
- Simon can't see his reflection in the mirror - 18.25
- Simons head jolts again - 19:14
- Simons reflection appears in the mirror - 19:14
- Probation workers eyes go glassy - 22:19 (could be make-up)
- Kelly gets hit by a pole and blood flies on wall - 30:02
- Slow motion falling back - 30:16
- Pauses - 30:18
- Zoom in and out into Curtis' eye and sees reflection in eye - 30:27

- Rewind in Curtis' eye - 30:37

- Simons neck pulsates and streaks of brown - 34:18

- Blood splatters on probation workers head - 35:09
- Blurred camera - 36:30
- Throughout this scene, focus on characters and blur surroundings - 36:30 - 38:49
- Reflection of Kelly in window - 38:57
- Reflection of Nathan in window - 39:03
- Blurred Simon - 39:18
- Blurred controller - 39:49
- Focus on Simon - 40:14

Project 1-Personal top trumps

Friday, 8 November 2013

Project 1- Drive diegetic analysis

Drive analysis (diegetic sound)

Diegetic sound is main elements within a clip or film that either build tension or sets the scene by using different back ground sounds.

In the very opening of the scene to ‘Drive’ the first immediate element that the audience hear is a piece of music (non-diegetic) with the sound of a police siren over lapping the music. This is used to give the audience an immediate reaction to the clip and decide for themselves the genre or scene that the sound is trying to create. As the police siren is played there is a long shot of a city in the dark which gives the viewer of an idea of where it is set and the mood of the scene.

At first, the diegetic sounds do not make the audience believe instantly that there is tension within the scene. The basketball game is on the radio and there is the sound of the driver (Ryan Gosling) driving the car which seems fairly normal to the atmosphere given. The driver watches two men walk behind the car and sets his watch hearing the ticking noise to exaggerate tension so that the viewer knows that he has a certain amount of time to complete the task that he is about to experience.

A siren starts going off when the two men break into the building almost breaking a quiet atmosphere which gives the audience a vivid idea that something bad is about to happen. The driver then turns on the police radio over the top of the cars radio and the siren in the background. This shows tension slowly building as each sound effect added makes the audience question the drivers fate becoming confused, relating to the confusion of sounds within the scene building tension. He turns up the volume of the radio (basketball game) which makes the viewer believe that the driver is a normal person listening to the game. This could also mean that the driver is worried but distracts himself from the atmosphere by turning the volume up focusing on something else until his task is complete.

The swing of the door opening grabs the drivers attention but he still stays calm within the scene. By the driver being calm whiles all these things are happening around him, it gives the audience a sense of tension and worry, asking themselves why he’s so calm.  The driver opens the back door for the robber and a high pitched slow beep lets the driver know that the door is open, almost reminding the driver and the viewers what is actually going on. The audience question : Why is he opening the door for him? The sound of a bag rustles as the robber gets into the car; you know that something bad has happened along side the costume choice of the robber. The basketball game is still playing in the background to remind everybody in the scene and the viewer that it is as close to reality as it gets. As the driver starts his car to go the engine becomes louder and clearer in contrast to the beginning when he was driving. This shows that he is in a rush for something but the viewer doesn’t know what yet, and just by the sound of the car it makes the viewer want to watch more. 

Project 1-Time is in their hands

Short story- Time is in their hands

Jay is a boy in the first year of sixth form college, he's been shy from a very young age and as he grows up he starts to see the world in a different way. He feels as if everyone is his enemy, so instead of mingling with the crowed, he stays in the background, listens to his music and be an average student. Every pupil at Ground view high has their own individual super power and attends individual classes to help them control or gain confidence in using their powers. Jay knows his power, but nobody else does, he attends 5 lessons a day for each power possible but refuses to show his power infront of his class mates and/or teachers. Nobody knows what Jays power is, there for his peers are worried/scared to talk to him. There are a group of people who name themselves 'Timers' each share the same power. They dislike Jay and claim that they know him for who he really is. Wherever Jay goes, they are always following. The group of boys dont talk but their powers are to re-wind time so that events change and life for everyone becomes different except from Jay. Jay one day gets given a locket by his late mother which is a hologram of memories. Jays mother was well known for being the best at flying on the cloud track and was the fastest flyer in the world. The timers believe that if they had their hands on Jay's mothers locket then they could sell it which would cost millions for the group. The timers target Jay and start messing with time so that somehow they could get hold of his locket. His life is continuously being rewinded back to when his mother gave the locket to Jay. As jay's life is rewinded for the first time, he dosent understand whats going on and why he wakes up to his mother cooking breakfast. He re-lives his life for a short amount of time until his mothers funeral (died in a car accident), he was given the locket at his mothers funeral by his sister which promised her mother that she would pass it on once her mother is passed. The timers keep rewinding time so that instead of Jays mother getting hit by a car, its now jay in the coffin . Fortunately Jay's power is immortality.  He wakes up in the coffin and re-arranges each of the timers life. He does this because another of his powers is that every time he is killed by a power, he steals that power which is why he turns up to every lesson because he will slowly develop every power possible. He rewinds time for the timers so that they get hit by the car and he can finally spend the rest of his life with his mother.

#STORYPITCH A young, troubled teenager joins a new college for gifted and talented children (special powers) to learn to control his power unknown to his peers and teachers; eventually finding himself in a sticky situation but eventually finds a way to control his ability productively and makes an example of himself to the world and to prove that he should not be messed with.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Misfits analysis

The purpose of dialogue within the opening scene

Within the opening scene to 'Misfits' it shows the clear understanding of the purpose and meaning to the beginning of the series; using costume, dialogue, body language and scenery. The main aspect that shows a vivid understanding is the dialogue used to introduce each character. The purpose of the dialogue is to mainly set the scene and describe to the viewer why the six characters are in orange jump suits outside a building by a river. Already by the costume design the audience have a vague idea of whats happening within the scene but by adding dialogue it almost narrates its surroundings. It can also be used to promote the genre of the episode: comedy, thriller, romance, horror ect. In this case speech enhances the humour of the episode which is what genre is targeted for the selected


Nathan is instantly presented as a humorous character which is created and there to entertain the audience and see the funny side of a dark situation. As shown, nathan is already characterised by his costume but by being the first to talk he almost puts himself into an authoritative position as he is the first to step forward to introduce himself using humour. He says ' Yeah but what if..' which the audience immediately associates his character with a child answering back. This brings a build up to his character as the viewer already has an intention that nathan is the childish 'class clown' which makes the audience want to see more of his character. He also insinuates an immediate likability as a joker. This is showed by how he has a mocking, false politeness and sarcastic tone but illustrated by a soft irish accent which makes the audience automatically like the character because he's seen as the funny child of the group. He also dominates the group immediately by snapping back at the probation worker who is in a sense superior to the six characters. Nathan does this by making the probation worker feel intimidated by his childish humour almost putting himself in to superiority and authority.

- Alisha

Alisha is also presented stereotypically by the way her costume has been designed but her personality is shown more clear when dialogue has been given to her character. The way that she is presented with her accent clearly shows a stereotypical juvenile delinquent who has adopted an essex twang to her voice to reinforce her character. The first dialogue that is given to Alishas character is when she answers the phone amongst a group conversation. By just saying the word 'hey' with a digitalised box to her ear immediately gives the impression that Alisha is rude; someone important is almost giving her advice but bitterly ignores the conversation to start a new one showing that she is only interested with the 'gossip' on the other end of the phone line. She is also chewing gum when talking which also enhances the strong stereotype but again is liked by the audience purely because the stereotype is exaggerated and brings humour to the atmosphere. She also laughs at Nathan when he's mocking the probation worker and the other offender (Gary). This is done to give the atmosphere a sense of a classroom and the teacher which is the probation worker.


Curtis is presented as the typical athlete that doesn't do anything that could possibly harm his career which makes the audience question why he's dressed in an orange jumpsuit. The first speech that Curtis is given is 'I shouldn't be here man' which gives the intention that Curtis is a 'good boy'. He also is one of the last to speak which shows that Curtis likes to keep in the background of attention. He also says the word 'man' at the end of the sentence which shows that he is any ordinary person using typical slang which creates a likability by the audience for Curtis but also makes them question his background considering he's said very little within the introduction of each character.


Gary is presented as a stereotypical teenage offender which is developed by the choice of costume, his spoken language choice and his body language. The first words that he speaks are in conversation (argument) between him and nathan which automatically develops his character to be argumentative and confrontational. He says 'Are you looking to get stabbed?!' Which enhances the stereotype but again almost creates a mild likability towards the character purely because the audience is slightly intimidated by him and feels a need to like his character.

- Simon 

Simon is presented as a shy, quiet boy who has no dialogue within the scene chosen. Nathan reffers to Simon as 'weird boy' which he also has no reaction to. The reason why Simon has no scripted dialogue within this scene is to give him a strong sense of mystery and sharpness to his character. By Simon having no dialogue it also emphasises the fact that he may not be saying anything but he is listening to everything thats around him. This gives him power by understanding everything thats going on around him as if he has the ability to register each aspect clearly and scares the audience into questioning why he is so quiet and what he may be thinking. The audience can't have a clear understanding of the character seeing as no dialogue has been said but the viewer see's him as mysterious.


Kelly is presented as a stereotypical 'chav' with the way that she's dressed, her make up and hair (costume design) Throughout the introduction of each character she is quiet and listening to what the probation worker is explaining to the group. The scene slowly builds up to Kelly speaking and when she finally talks the other characters are shocked by her accent. Making the accent enhanced by other characters within the scene also gives the viewer a clear idea that it should be shocking to the audience as well, there for, they are. The first words that Kerrys says are "ermm, what makes you think your better than us" in her deep accent which is then noticed by Nathan and Curtis also joins in. By saying this she believes that she is equal to the rest of the group but then intimidated by the two boys but she then snaps back which increases tension and builds likability towards her character. The audience likes her because she sticks up for herself which she gets looked up to for by the viewer and also because she originally believed that they were equal. 

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Post production task

Industrial Light and Magic (ILM)

ILM has been co-operating with film companies for 35 years, designing and creating visual effects for many famous films. ILM has achieved 23 sci-tech awards, 15 oscars and 275 films using just their own company also working with film companies. The company design and create special effects for films (visual effects) Some of the work that they develop includes: digitalising cartoons, enhancing stage make-up for example: in pirates of the Caribbean (at worlds end) the ILM team used the original costumes made and enhanced them to create more of a realistic and intense costume. ILM was founded in 1975 by a man called George Lucas. By creating special effects the company designes special features for a specific movie which creates an abnormal world/ futuristic for the audience to adapt and inspire new ideas as a general entertainment for viewers of the century.