Monday, 18 November 2013

Point break write up

This task was to successfully add audio sound effects to a sequence from point break which included a chase. I personally didn't find this extremely enjoyable purely because throughout each clip there was continuous running throughout and keeping a running patternt throughout the whole sequence was challenging because each time the characters ran adding a different audio sound to where abouts the characters were e.g. inside/outside/running up stairs ect.

 Firstly i watched the clip through and loaded up each sound effect roughly planning out where it would all be. Then after i did this i started to build up each point with running, explosions, splashes ect. This is the part in the sequence which i personally did not enjoy. They have just came round a corner (running) and each person is running at a different speed. To be able to grasp each characters foot sound was very challenging but i believe that eventually the sequence sounded okay but could have been made more realistic and believable.
Here is where i added an explosion which was successful. The problem with this part is you need to make sure that you get the explosion just in the right place to make a realistic scene. This is so vital that this is literally between mili-seconds to be able to get the audio in time with the part in the sequence.  In order to arrange this explosion within the right place, i still needed to have each sound effect layering over each other, as shown in the first picture. I think that this was very effective because the sound of the cars , the street and the running foot steps made a complete , realistic feeling to the piece.

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