Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Project 1-Special effect practice

To achieve making a 'walking through wall' special effect:

Firstly we filmed Edwyn walking up to a wall and making as much contact as possible to the wall (walking into the wall) he then stayed there for roughly two seconds and walked off camera. Walking off camera is better because pressing pause to film the empty wall will slightly jolt the camera out of position meaning that when it comes to putting it into special effects it will then make it a lot harder to mask ect. I then imported the video into After Effects and cut the part of Edwyn walking off camera so that i then had a video of him walking to the wall and then cut straight to an empty wall. After this i created a still image of the empty wall and put it as a bottom layer throughout the whole film. I then created a key frame around Edwyn and just before he reached the wall to give the effect of him disappearing. Lastly i went on the mask effects and lowered the opacity just before he met the wall and lowered it even more when he got to the wall.

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