Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Project 1-Good and bad shots

- This photo shows a number of elements which could potentially draw attention to the photo positively. These elements include leading lines: the hallways leading towards the characters to show that the frame is about the two characters. The only reason why this does not work is purely because there is no focus within the shot and it could be shot from a different angle and maybe off centre to make the shot more interesting.
- This photo is used within the animatic well by jolting from side to side as if it is a walking camera shot. The focus is not immaculate and the lighting could have been better but this was proved difficult because of the amount of light being in the shot through the window. To improve this shot i should focus the camera on the boys backpack so it is clear that the shot is about that character and lower the lighting for an effective shot.
-This shot is good but because of the leading lines of the hallway the attention of the viewer is drawn towards the end of the corridor rather than focusing on the character to the left of the shot which is what i want the viewer to be looking at. I should have filled the shot with more characters and focused more on the character to the left which would create a more believable environment for the shot that i am trying to portray.


-I think that this shot is good; its a very plain shot which focuses attention on the characters rather than a cluttered background. Its also looks like he's engaging in conversation with the other character which is the type of shot that we were going for. It also fills up the frame which increases the attention drawn to the image. This means that theres not a lot of empty space within the picture so the viewers more focused on the things that are happening within the frame.

-This shot is good because i believe that it shows a good p.o.v shot as if the camera is the character walking through the hallway and narrates a typical friendship within a college. It is also a good shot because although there are leading lines again, it almost breaks those lines so that the focus is drawn to the two girls. Its also from a fairly high view which could imply that the character is looking down on the girls but the fact there is space to the right shows that there is space for 'felix' to walk into rather than the girls filling up the corridor with no room to move.

-I personally like this shot because it shows a good example of rule of thirds. This is because there is a shoe in 1/3 the other lifted in 1/3 and lastly the space he is moving onto with a reflection and dirt on the floor which almost shows the viewer that it is a well lit area but not a well groomed area. I also like the angle that it is shot at because it brings mystery to the photo seeing as this is one of the first shots the viewer does not know who the character is, and is left judging the character on first impression by looking at the  place which he is walking in, his shoes and the bottom of his trousers.

-This longshot of college grounds is a good shot because i like the emptiness of the space. This being the very first shot it makes the viewer wonder why the car park is so empty, why the look of the college is so blunt and why even the sky is so grey. It also shows two different angles of the college by shooting it from a diagonal. The zebra crossing draws attention quickly by the boldness of the white colour in comparison to the rest of the college which looks dull.

-This shot exaggerates the facial expression which the professor is meant to be pulling by a strongly focused close up of the expression. I think this could be even more exaggerated by focusing the camera more on his face and maybe even closer filling the frame to the maximum and blurring the background so it makes the viewer really wonder whats going on within the shot. It could have also been shot on a bit of a plainer background to enhance the character although i do like that a small part of the other characters face is within the shot so it is still clear that they are within conversation.

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